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PE Everywhere

Here is a list of some websites that you can use outside of our PE time.  These links are not to be graded but done whenever you are looking for something to do during some down time.  Whether is be a rainy day, snow day, bored or looking to challenge yourself, these website should help you out.  We hope you enjoy what is provided and would love to hear feedback about what you think. Enjoy!!

Improving Hand-Eye Coordination

This link examples the importance of hand-eye coordination and why you should work to improve it.  The article provides 19 exercises you can practice.


Yoga for Kids

Take a look at some of the beginner yoga poses that you can try to help relax and improve your flexibility.


Mindfulness at Home

Every feel like you need to take a mental break.  This link will lead you to many different ways to practice mindfulness.  Take a look and try some to see if they help you relax.


Stuck Inside Activities

Here is a list of 25 activities you can do inside the house to get you moving!