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School Policies

What are Kakiat's School Hours?

Kakiat STEAM Academy is an early school. Kakiat STEAM Academy begins at 8:05 a.m. and ends at 2:25 p.m. Scholars can enter the building at 8:05 a.m. Prior to 8:05 a.m. there is no adult supervision.  

How do I pick up my child early at school?

If you need to pick up your child during or at the end of the school day, please send a note explaining the reason for your request. In an emergency, please call the school before you arrive. Park your car in the parking area-DO NOT USE FIRE LANES and report to the main office to sign out your child. We cannot send children out of the building for obvious safety reasons. CHILDREN MUST HAVE WRITTEN PERMISSION TO BE PICKED UP BY OTHERS. Only designated emergency contacts are free to pick up students.

What if my child becomes ill during the school day?

Should your child become ill during the school day, the nurse will notify you by phone and suggest that you pick up your child. Please follow the same procedure as above.

It is extremely important to have an UPDATED EMERGENCY CARD on file with the nurse. Please complete the card. Be especially careful to include your WORK PHONE NUMBER, cell phone number as well as that of a friend or relative who can be called upon in the event that you cannot be reached. Only names appearing on emergency card can pick up a child.

If the information on the blue card changes during the year, please notify the main office immediately.